Daddy's letter to Emma


Dear Emma:

Linlin mum did not write the mail to dad today.... I think she might be mad with your father....... I am sorry that I could not stay with her for these time. So I would like to thank you for accompanying her when I'm away. Do you know how much I love you mum? I think you know you. You are our precious gift.

Remember when you were about 10 or 14 weeks old, linlin mum could not feel your vibration... She is terrified. I could not forget in my life when I finished my bath. I saw linlin mum was with tears and sitting on the bed. I felt so bad how can she love you so much. Every time, she would get excited after you move or kick fro m her belly. She get excited and wants to share her happiness with everyone. Me, too. I just could not help but tell everyone that we have a first baby. That is you, our sweetheart.

Mum and Dad always want to give you the best. That is why I could not stay with you all the time. But no worry. Mum will stay with you..... I will whenever I get time.

I will tell you more about your mum before having you.


David Daddy