Your 27-Month-Old

How your baby's growing: Your child is more in control of his movements. Now he can hold and play with small objects easily, and can stack and knock over towers of blocks. He can also concentrate for long periods of time. Sometimes he'll become so absorbed in his play that he'll resent your interruption. You can make transitions easier by warning him in advance, as in "you can play with the blocks for five more minutes, but then it's dinnertime." If you have a flexible schedule, you may want to give him a few warnings before you insist that he finish up his play.

He may be able to control his actions, but not always his emotions. At this age, he's still prone to a fair amount of pushing, shoving, yelling, and tantrums. Don't set your standards too high. You can't expect perfect behavior from him all the time, and tantrums are his way of showing you when he's so frustrated or upset he can't think straight anymore. Keep reminding him that talking gets better results than acting out — and make sure you praise him when he makes an effort to communicate with words. In the meantime, make sure you're communicating well with him too. Explain why rules are necessary. Instead of telling him that he can't run out into the street without holding onto a grown-up's hand, talk about why it's not safe so he understands the thinking behind your admonitions.