Community Center

媽咪找呀找的, 找到了我們City的community center

Buttonwoods Community Center
3027 West Shore Road
Warwick, RI 02886

小朋友的課倒是只有看到一個, 倒是大人的課好多, 媽咪都很想去上
有編織課, 瑜珈課, 畫畫課, 舞蹈課
現在剛好是報名的時間, 明天得去看看

Rhythm & Rhyme
Rhythm & rhyme is a music group for young children (22-36 months). It is a collaborative effort between Warwick parks & Recreation and Trudeau Early Intervention. In Rhythm & Rhyme, toddlers and their parents (1:1 ratio) are introduced to songs, movement, and instruments. The fun musical environment provides a safe space to encourage language, social interactions, and group participation. Please contact Theresia Hulnik at 823-1731 for more info.

這樣除了圖書館, 還有其他的課可以上
本來想讓彤彤繼續去上Gymboree, 如果社區中心有適合的課, 那可以省下不少錢呢!

另外還找到這星期六有Egg Hunt可以去玩喔~