29 weeks


Hi Yulin,

This is a good time to learn to "power nap" during the day. Practicing how to nap now is a good idea because you will need a nap almost every time you put the baby down in the beginning. Learning to make the most of naps can minimize fatigue and keep you well-rested and feeling great.

This Pregnant Body

Yulin, hopefully you are continuing to research your birthing options and reminding yourself that this experience is 100% yours! Putting together a birth plan is important and investigating all the different options will make creating one easier. For information on your options, select the desired link below.
Bad posture, combined with sitting in an ergonomically-incorrect chair, can magnify the discomfort you may be experiencing already.

Your Baby

Your baby is now about 16.7 inches from head to toe, and weighs about 2.7 pounds. He or she continues to be active and grow; however, you may be feeling fewer kicks and punches. This is because even though your baby is getting larger and stronger, he or she also has less space in which to gain momentum for these movements.

Your baby's blood is now being produced from the stem cells in its bone marrow. Many expectant parents choose to collect and freeze their baby's umbilical cord blood after delivery and the cutting of the cord. This usually-discarded blood contains stem cells, and many new parents understand the value in collecting and freezing these cells, in case the family needs them in the future. Some scientists believe that in the future we will all be treated with our own stem cells to cure conditions such as diabetes, Alzheimer's, and heart disease.