34 weeks


This Pregnant Body

Yulin, in the next few weeks pay close attention to your body and all the clues it is giving you. Close your eyes during any Braxton-Hicks contractions and notice how the contraction moves in a wave-like motion, usually from top to bottom.

Your doctor may have you use a fetal monitor to measure the frequency and strength of your contractions.

Depending on the monitor's results, your doctor may discuss the possibility of inducing labor.

Some women are put on bedrest at this point to insure they don't go into labor early.


Ask Dr. Sears

This week's topic: How to tell labor is starting


Your Baby

Your baby is tipping the scales at about 5 pounds and is 19.8 inches from head to toe. He or she is running out of room in there and you may now be able to tell whether it is a hand or an elbow pushing against your belly. Have David touch your belly and feel your baby's movements; it's a playful and loving way for the two of them to get to know each other.