35 weeks


This Pregnant Body

Yulin, your breasts have probably increased in size and weight significantly, and colostrum may begin oozing from your nipples. This is your body's way of gearing up for breastfeeding. As your baby grows, hormones are released that trigger the change occurring in your breasts. You may also notice a significant change in your nipples - they usually grow larger and darker.


Your Baby

Your baby weighs about 5.5 pounds and will continue to gain about half a pound per week until you deliver. He or she stretches out to 20.25 inches as it approaches full term. Stem cells in the bone marrow continue to produce red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets to maintain a healthy immune system, but there is not really any development remaining for arms, legs, brain or organs. Your baby will simply continue to grow in size as it readies for its big debut.