28 weeks


This Pregnant Body

Yulin, starting next week, you will probably visit your OB more frequently as he or she will be keeping a closer eye on your progress. You still have another 10-12 weeks, but your baby is probably strong enough at this point to survive a premature delivery. "Preemies," as premature babies are lovingly called, are relatively rare thanks to modern obstetrical care.

If your doctor has indicated that you may deliver early, make sure to follow your doctor's instructions carefully and take it easy. Depending on your status, you may also be prescribed a fetal monitor. This electronic device, about the size of a small cassette player, will monitor your baby's heart rate and any contractions. This will help your doctor judge if it is better to continue to your expected delivery date or consider inducing labor at an earlier date. About 50% of all births occur 2 weeks earlier than the expected delivery date.

Your Baby

Your baby weighs approximately 2.4 pounds and is about 10 inches from crown to rump, or a little under 16 inches from head to toe. He or she has been gaining weight steadily during the past 27 weeks as its stem cells develop into organs, blood and immune systems, and bones. However, from this point forward, your baby's weight gain will be due to increasing amounts of body fat. A quick way to predict your baby's birth weight is to average David's and your birth weights.